
As CoLab creative Producer and Leader of Engaging Audiences at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance Joe has given conference papers across the UK and Europe on a range of topics.

Who is listening? - Widening and Engaging the Jazz audience, Keynote speech - Association of European Conservatoires, Pop and Jazz Platform Triest

CoLab – ‘Play, risk & flow - supporting creative collaboration’

Making the extraordinary: The Cultural Capital Exchange – Cass Business School – 30th April 2013

The Competencies and Practicalities of the Collaboration Laboratory

HEA Seminar Enhancing employability as a core feature of programme design in music performance – Trinity Laban 14th Feb 2013

CoLab at Trinity Laban: exploring creative collaboration with the conservatoire student

The Reflective Conservatoire: The Guildhall School of Music and Drama 25th March 2012